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Successful Injection Molding

Beaumont, Nagel and Sherman Hanser Publications (2002) ISBN 3-446-19433-9

There has been a long standing need for a book that describes the
process of injection molding using the insights developed from twenty years of computer aided engineering (CAE). The authors, all veterans of injection molding CAE, have filled this need with their book. "Successful
Injection Molding" is a lot more than a book about injection molding CAE. It is clear at this stage that CAE is a tool, which, if well handled, can provide excellent results. That being said, a successful implementer of CAE for injection molding must have a range of insights into the diverse
idiosyncrasies of this enormously complex manufacturing process. The book is successful in clearly addressing these issues.

CAE has probably done more for the understanding of the injection molding process than it has for any other application for which it has been applied. With CAE, a designer can visualize complex transient events that integrally affect the processability, shape and performance of the final product being designed. The authors lead the reader through the molding
process as seen through the eyes of the CAE program, interpreting the observed behaviors along the way. The book does not stop here, however. Recognizing that there are still many aspects that cannot be well handled in simulation, the authors introduces a healthy amount of practical advice
on issues such as the placement of weld lines, flow hesitation and numerous other factors that can affect part performance. Liberal use of simulation pictures also help the reader to visualize the phenomena under

In the Introduction, a methodology is presented for implementation of a design process that includes CAE, which helps ensure that all parties involved are clear about their role in the process. A description of basic polymer behavior and the injection molding process follows. Chapter 4 gets into design, presenting part design guidelines. Issues related to the mold design are also covered including a practical treatment of runner systems, gating designs and cooling systems. In Chapter 6, CAE is used to understand the filling process, and the understanding is used to develop design and process strategies to eliminate flaws in the product. The rest of the book is devoted to injection molding CAE. The pros and cons of the
different CAE approaches are discussed followed by guidelines on optimal processes to use when performing simulation. Detailed chapters on filling, post-filling, mold-cooling and shrink/warp analysis follow. The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing color figures and computer generated flow animations that are integral to the understanding of the injection molding process. A spreadsheet for determining thicknesses for shell surfaces with poor aspect ratio is also included.

- Reviewed by Hubert Lobo.